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Kiwanise Noorte Talentide Fond toetas noort jalgpallitalenti



Juba kolmandat korda toetab Kiwanise klubi Eesti noori talente 

Tegemist on 15.aastase noore ja eduka jalgpalluriga. Lisette Tammik mängib hetkel Eesti Koondises U-15, U-17 klassis ja FC Kotkas.

Tähtsamad auhinnad:
* 2011.a. Eesti Meister
* Mitmekordne parim mängija, parim ründaja, parim kaitsja
* 2012.a. Balti turniiri meister U-17 koondise ridades


Pildil annab Tallinna Kiwanise Klubi 2012/12 President Peeter Võrk NTF toetuse üle Lisette Tammikule.


Kiwanise Nukkude meisterdamine

Kiwanise Noorte Talentide Fond toetas noort maadlustalenti.

Noorte Talentide Fond Denis Bolunov


7. aprillil toimunud Kristjan Palusalu XXIV mälestusvõistlustel noortele andis Kiwanise Noorte Talentide Fond üle noore talendi ergutusauhinna 14. aastasele Denis Bolunov'ile.

Denis Bolunov saavutas Kreeka-Rooma maadlusvõistlustel  kuni 50kg klassis esikoha, ning ta on järjepidevalt näidanud üles head arengut.

Usume, et Denis suudab jõuda oma maadlejakarjääris Kristjan Palusalu poolt Eestile kuulsust toonud tasemele.

International Kiwanis Youth Project "Teams of tomorrow" in Finland



“Teams of Tomorrow” is the international Kiwanis youth project. The eighth Kiwanis youth camp is the collaboration of Estonian and Finnish Kiwanis clubs and will be held on July 25-29, 2011. The previous youth camps have been held once in both Finland and Latvia and five times in Estonia. This year’s camp theme is teamwork and solving the problems occurring within a team. In addition to these discussions, the programme also offers social and sports activities, an outing and several meetings with Kiwanis Europe members. The objective of charity is fulfilled by making dolls for children in hospitals.

The participant has to bring his or her ID card or passport, swimwear, sporting and casual clothes (considering the weather) and also products of hygiene and, if necessary, medicaments. Members of Kiwanis should bring their Kiwanis T-shirts and badges and the representatives of each country should also bring the banner of their club. Participants will be accommodated in houses, but you have to take your own sheets and towels.


The project will be attended by up to 10 participants from different countries aged 14-25 with one or more adult representative(s) and children from the orphanage. To date, youth from Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Iceland have participated. This year, representatives from Germany, Poland and Czech Republic are also interested.


The main events of the project will be held in Kustavi, Finland (map included in the PowerPoint presentation). The participants will get to Kustavi by bus or fly to Helsinki by plane and then take the bus to Kustavi which is waiting for them in the Helsinki Airport.


The project “Teams of Tomorrow” is going to be held for the 8th time on July 25-29, 2011. The adult representatives of each participating country are requested to send the list of participants before June 15, 2011 according to the table attached and transfer 100 € for each participant.


The aim of the project is to introduce Kiwanis club and its field of activity through socializing, playing sports and games, and therefore promoting the launching of new possible Kiwanis Junior clubs. This year, the topic of discussion is teamwork, its problems and miscommunications and the goal of the participants is to think of ways of overcoming these difficulties.


Probably each one of us belongs to some team, group or squad. In school, one of the most important teams is your class or perhaps your basketball team or just a group of friends you like hanging out with. From time to time, there occur misunderstandings within these groups. What could be the reason? What kind of problems can arise in these teams? The representatives of each country will describe or demonstrate 2 or 3 different problems that might occur within a team (15-20 minutes). In addition, they will prepare a programme introducing their country (30-40 minutes).
